Sunday, December 21, 2008

Online Casinos Turn To Deposit Bonuses To Lure Customers

With the online casino industry getting more competitive by the day, many casinos have turned to deposit bonuses to try and lure customers to their particular site. The bonuses are becoming larger with every new casino that opens.

The software companies, such as Microgaming and Real Time Gaming are having to constantly introduce new best UK casino games to the casinos they power. The competition is demanding that the industry continues to evolve.

The deposit online casino bonus is a great way for new players to try out different games on different sites. Sites such as Rushmore Casino and Lucky Club are just a couple that are offering big bonuses for first time players.

The majority of the casinos have sign up bonuses ranging from twenty five to 100 percent of the deposited amount. That means that if a player deposits $500, they could have up to $1,000 in their accounts to play different online games.

"The deposit bonuses have really changed the face of the online gaming industry. People are being lured by the idea of having double the money to work with when they enter a casino," said Troy Leskowitz.

For players who want to deposit as little as $50, the bonuses can make their money last longer. With online casino guide gaming becoming more prevalent across the world, the bonuses are, in turn, becoming more important to gain a leg up on the competition.

News Sources:-
By Owen Cadus

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